Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Two great tastes that just taste weird together...

Scarlett Johansson has come out with a Tom Waits cover album. Now, I love the Tom Waits, and I love the Scarlett Johansson...but I'm not sure about these tracks...

    [imeem removed the tracks]

...maybe they'll grow on me. [not likely]

My initial [and continued] impressions are:

The "Anywhere I lay My Head" track really sounds like an attempt at getting on a This Mortal Coil release. [...and not a very strong attempt.]

"I Don't Want to Grow Up" sounds like she's singing to some Leonard Cohen music I have not heard before. And let's be honest...while we may love the Leonard Cohen...it's his lyrics that keep us coming back. [If this sounds appealing to you, stick with listening to Leonard Cohen]

"I Wish I Was in New Orleans" sounds like she is singing while turning a jack-in-the-box....and it could pop at any minute. [...and I keep wishing it would.]

The Jury is still out...we'll have to hear the rest... [Nope. This could have been really cool, but it's not. It could have been very creative, but it's not. After hearing her version of "Falling Down" somewhere it became clear: this could have been something I would have bought and enjoyed intensely, but it's not.]

So far, off to a good start.